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Field Types in AbarORM

In AbarORM, fields define the types of data stored in your database models. Each field type represents a specific kind of data and provides options for validation and constraints. This guide covers the available field types and their usage.

Basic Field Types

1. CharField

  • Description: Represents a text field with a maximum length.
  • Parameters:
  • max_length: The maximum number of characters allowed.
  • unique: If True, the field must contain unique values across the table.
  • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • default: The default value if none is provided.
  • Example:
    title = CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)

2. DateTimeField

  • Description: Represents a date and time value.
  • Parameters:
    • auto_now: If True, the field will be automatically set to the current date and time whenever the record is updated.
    • auto_now: If True, the field will be automatically set to the current date and time whenever the record is created.
    • auto_now_add:
  • Example:
    create_time = DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

3. ForeignKey

  • Description: Represents a many-to-one relationship between models.
  • Parameters:

    • to: The model that this field points to.
    • on_delete: Defines the behavior when the referenced record is deleted. Common options include:
    • CASCADE: Automatically delete records that reference the deleted record.
    • SET NULL: Set the field to NULL when the referenced record is deleted.
    • PROTECT: Prevent deletion of the referenced record by raising an error.
    • SET_DEFAULT: Set the field to a default value when the referenced record is deleted.
    • DO_NOTHING: Do nothing and leave the field unchanged.
  • Example:

    category = ForeignKey(Category, on_delete='CASCADE')

4. BooleanField

  • Description: Represents a Boolean value (True or False).
  • Parameters:
    • default: The default value for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    is_active = BooleanField(default=True)

5. IntegerField

  • Description: Represents an integer value.
  • Parameters:
    • default: The default value for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    age = IntegerField(default=0)

6. FloatField

  • Description: Represents a floating-point number.
  • Parameters:
    • default: The default values for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    price = FloatField(default=0.0)

7. DecimalField

  • Description: Represents a decimal number with fixed precision and scale.
  • Parameters:
    • max_digits: The maximum number of digits (including both integer and decimal places).
    • decimal_places: The number of decimal places.
    • default: The default values for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    salary = DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=0.00)

8. DateField

  • Description: Represents a decimal number with fixed precision and scale.
  • Parameters:
    • default: The default values for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    birth_date = DateField(default='2000-01-01')

9. TimeField

  • Description: Represents a decimal number with fixed precision and scale.
  • Parameters:
    • default: The default values for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    meeting_time = TimeField(default='09:00:00')

10. TextField

  • Description: Represents a decimal number with fixed precision and scale.
  • Parameters:
    • default: The default values for the field if none is provided.
    • null: If True, the field can contain NULL values.
  • Example:
    description = TextField(null=True)