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API Reference for AbarORM

This page provides a detailed reference for the classes and methods available in the AbarORM library. The API reference is intended for developers who need a comprehensive understanding of how to use AbarORM's features.


1. SQLiteModel

The SQLiteModel class is the base class for defining models that interact with an SQLite database.


  • class Meta:
  • Description: Initializes the model with the given database configuration.
  • Parameters:

    • db_config: Dictionary containing the database configuration.
    • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
  • save(self)

  • Description: Saves the current instance to the database. If it’s a new record, it will be inserted; if it exists, it will be updated.
  • Parameters: None

  • delete(self)

  • Description: Deletes the current instance from the database.
  • Parameters: None

  • get(cls, id)

  • Description: Retrieves a single record by its ID.
  • Parameters:

    • id: The ID of the record to retrieve.
  • all(cls, order_by)

  • Description: Retrieves all records from the table and order them.
  • Parameters: None

  • filter(cls, **kwargs)

  • Description: Retrieves records that match the specified criteria.
  • Parameters:
    • **kwargs: Criteria for filtering records.

2. MySQLModel

The MySQLModel class is similar to SQLiteModel but designed for MySQL databases. It provides the same methods as SQLiteModel but interacts with MySQL instead.


The methods for MySQLModel and PostgreSQLModel are identical to those for SQLiteModel, with differences primarily in how they interact with the MySQL database.

3. PostgreSQLModel

The PostgreSQLModel class is similar to SQLiteModel but designed for Postgresql databases. It provides the same methods as SQLiteModel but interacts with Postgresql instead.


The methods for MySQLModel and PostgreSQLModel are identical to those for SQLiteModel, with differences primarily in how they interact with the MySQL database.


1. CharField

  • Description: Represents a text field with a maximum length.
  • Parameters:
  • max_length: Maximum number of characters allowed.
  • unique: Whether the field must contain unique values.
  • null: Whether the field can be NULL.
  • default: Default value if none is provided.

2. DateTimeField

  • Description: Represents a date and time value.
  • Parameters:
  • auto_now: Automatically set to the current date and time on updates.

3. ForeignKey

  • Description: Represents a many-to-one relationship between models.
  • Parameters:
  • to: The model this field points to.
  • on_delete: Behavior when the referenced record is deleted.

4. BooleanField

  • Description: Represents a Boolean value.
  • Parameters:
  • default: Default value if none is provided.
  • null: Whether the field can be NULL.

5. IntegerField

  • Description: Represents an integer value.
  • Parameters:
  • default: Default value if none is provided.
  • null: Whether the field can be NULL.

6. FloatField

  • Description: Represents a floating-point number.
  • Parameters:
  • default: Default value if none is provided.
  • null: Whether the field can be NULL.

7. EmailField

  • Description: Represents an email address.
  • Parameters:
  • max_length: Maximum number of characters allowed.
  • unique: Whether the field must contain unique values.

8. URLField

  • Description: Represents a URL.
  • Parameters:
  • max_length: Maximum number of characters allowed.

9. TextField

  • Description: Represents a large text field for storing long texts.
  • Parameters:
  • null: Whether the field can be NULL.

10. DecimalField

  • Description: Represents a decimal number with fixed precision.
  • Parameters:
  • max_digits: Maximum number of digits allowed.
  • decimal_places: Number of decimal places to store.
  • default: Default value if none is provided.

Query Methods

1. create(cls, **kwargs)

  • Description: Creates a new record with the specified data.
  • Parameters:
  • **kwargs: Data for the new record.

2. update(cls, id, **kwargs)

  • Description: Updates an existing record with new data.
  • Parameters:
  • id: ID of the record to update.
  • **kwargs: New data for the record.

3. delete(cls, id)

  • Description: Deletes a record by its ID.
  • Parameters:
  • id: ID of the record to delete.


This API reference provides an overview of the core classes, methods, and fields available in AbarORM. For more detailed examples and use cases, refer to the Basic Usage section.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please check the Documentation or reach out to the community via our GitHub repository.

Happy coding with AbarORM!