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Welcome to AbarORM


abarorm is a lightweight and easy-to-use Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL databases in Python. It aims to provide a simple and intuitive interface for managing database models and interactions.


  • Define models using Python classes
  • Automatically handle database schema creation and management
  • Support for basic CRUD operations
  • Foreign key relationships
  • Custom field types with validation and constraints
  • Easy changeability to start developing

Supported Databases

psql mysql sqlite


You can install abarorm from PyPI using pip:

pip install abarorm

For MySQL support, you also need to install mysql-connector-python: (Required)

pip install mysql-connector-python
For PostgreSQL support, install psycopg2-binary: (Required)
pip install psycopg2-binary

Start with abarorm